Bobby Buka MD - Kips Bay Dermatology w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneBobby Buka MD - Kips Bay Dermatology



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247, East 28th Street, 10016, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 212-385-3700
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7413262, Longitude: -73.978939

komentarze 5

  • en

    Leigha Barbieri


    I had a great visit with one of the PA’s at the 28th st location. She did the most thorough skin screening I’ve ever had. She also did a quick procudure with which was basically painless and helped me with a poison ivy rash. I’ll definitely be using this practice as my primary dermatologists in the future. Thanks!

  • en

    Evan Mahl


    Great NP. Friendly and smart staff with excellent result for a straightforward problem. I’m a physician and Dr. Buka has set up a brilliant and rational system for delivering excellent dermatological care.

  • Latoya Lee

    Latoya Lee


    I visited this office after having a severe reaction to a topical cream. I was experiencing severe burning, dryness, itching, peeling. It was even unpleasant to wash my face and/or shower. I didn’t have to wait long after checking in. I saw Ashton Fuller & immediately I could sense he truly cared. He listened intently to all of my concerns and issues. He answered all of my questions and answered one’s I didn’t think to ask. After he finished typing his notes, he read them aloud, explaining he wants his patients to have a full understanding of their diagnosis and plan. I decided at that moment, that I would gladly travel from Brooklyn to the city, to see ONLY him. I appreciate Ashton and the receptionist who answered all of my questions regarding my referral and visits. I will gladly recommend this office and Ashton Fuller to anyone seeking a great dermatologist.

  • Alex Levy

    Alex Levy


    Office is clean and inviting! Staff is quick and friendly - I felt very taken care of and was in and out in no time! Luke was my Doctor -He was very confident and knowledgeable, making my procedure easy and painless! It was very easy to make an appointment for my first time!

  • en

    Lorraine Guadarrama


    Very friendly atmosphere. Staff was great and friendly. Dr. Alison Guren is amazing. She is understanding and caring. She took the time to listen to me and my concerns and actually helped me not just diagnosed me and sent me off with prescription! She is highly recommended.

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