Bob Evans w Lexington

Stany ZjednoczoneBob Evans



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2341, Buena Vista Road, 40505, Lexington, Fayette County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 859-293-1572
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.0421724, Longitude: -84.4222639

komentarze 5

  • en

    Jim Drume


    Stood in lobby 15 minutes, no service, not really busy. Just seems very unorganized. Walked out this time hungry. Usually not this bad, and food is pretty decent.

  • Joshua Pelkey

    Joshua Pelkey


    This location was probably the worst I have been to. Most bob evans restaurants are pretty quick, but after sitting in a booth for 30 minutes without a waitress or waiter to take our order, we just paid for our drinks and left. They were not even that busy. I will not return to this location again. Total time in bob Evans was 40 minutes.

  • en

    johana lizeth


    Food was ok. I had the worse server experience which ruined the entire experience for me. It was the first time I have ever been there and the server did not greet us she just asked us what we wanted to drink. She came back asked us if we were ready to order, I said no that I needed more time, she then ROLLED her eyes at me and walked away. She came back and asked if we were ready to order and I said no I needed a little more time. The 3rd time she didn't come back she had sent a different waitress to take care of our table. It wasn't busy in the restraunt so I don't know why she didn't serve our table. I'm a waitress my self and I would have never treated guest like this. Very poor excuse as a waitress. You might want to re think your job choice.

  • Karen Henson

    Karen Henson


    Horrible service as always. I would blame on lack of training. Food did not come out together. Another server stepped in to accommodate us. No privacy when completing payment transaction. Cashier was staring at my screen as I was adding tip - which was not max due to poor service. Also, my family prefers Coke over Pepsi. Disappointed in the recent switch to save money.

  • Christopher Caudill

    Christopher Caudill


    Warm, sweet smells (think cinnamon buns) greet you upon entering Bob Evan's. The service is prompt and friendly, the decor bright and tasteful. The food itself takes center stage. Good comfort food and excellent breakfast. Notable are the pot roast for its tenderness and the gravy. I'd never had a brown gravy on biscuits, it's different and delicious.

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