Blush Blowout Bar i New York

Forenede StaterBlush Blowout Bar



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395 Forest Ave, 1L, Staten Island, NY 10301, США
kontakter telefon: +1 718-682-1464
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Latitude: 40.631109, Longitude: -74.10259

kommentar 4

  • Sandra Rodríguez

    Sandra Rodríguez


    Love the BBB! For years I dreaded going to a salon bc of the long wait time and service seemed robotic. The BBB experience for both me and daughter was amazing! My Stylist Thea was an absolute pleasure. She was patient and helped me figure out what style would be best for the event I was going to annnnd my blowout lasted for over 3 days! Definitely made a loyal customer out of me! CHK them out!

  • Emmi K

    Emmi K


    Wonderful experience with Abi! She did my hair and makeup. She listened to me and did exactly what I wanted. It was a great experience and we'll worth it to take the stress off of getting ready for an event.

  • en

    Lissette Purrone


    Love this place!! Go there every week!!

  • en

    Irene R


    I have visited this place twice, both times I had a great experience.....I've tried different stylists, but Abbi is my favorite so far- she gave me the best blowout full of volume just like I wanted and it lasted for days!!!!

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