Bluegrass RV w Lexington

Stany ZjednoczoneBluegrass RV



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1675, North Broadway, 40505, Lexington, Fayette County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 859-253-1777
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.0696351, Longitude: -84.4715848

komentarze 5

  • Pete Alberti

    Pete Alberti


    Purchased an RV about 4 months ago from Big Daddy RV and they still have not replaced the damaged table that they promised to replace per sale agreement. Poor service after the sale.

  • en

    Sandy Thomas


    Great selection of 5-wheels. Jason is an awesome salesman. Can't wait until they open their Ashland, KY location.

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    David Bolton


    Excellent dealership! Gary, our salesman was terrific to work with!

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    Jamie Bond


    I am very dissatisfied. We purchased a new Heartland RV in February, 2018. We brought it home and noticed some issues immediately. Our new unit has been at the dealer for over 6 weeks awaiting parts and repair. The communication from the dealer is nil. If we didn't call them each week, we wouldn't have very little communication. When we arrived home from picking the unit up we were so excited and wanted to test everything out. When we opened the slides there was wood trip damaged in the kitchen (during transit a piece must have came loose and when the slide opened it damaged the wood trim). Then we found out that the furnace was not fully assembled (under the floor of the unit) and when the HVAC unit was turned on, it wouldn't warm up. It was determined that the furnaced's air-handler/blower wasn't put together (and aluminum piece was not installed or screwed in place and air was just circulating under the floor). In addition, one of the hydraulic lifts leaked, one Window won't shut and latch, and the water hose that attached internally to be used for external water for use outside of the unit was not connected (which we wouldn't have found out except for looking around trying to figure out why our heat wasn't working. That is all we know about so far, because we haven't had the RV in over 6 weeks. There were switches (light switches?) in the unit that we asked what they went to and the people at the dealer couldn't answer our questions: No one knows. We have no idea what they go to. This doesn't even touch on the issues we had in canceling the extended warranty and GAP insurance. You may want to seek another dealer.

  • Kathie Wallace

    Kathie Wallace


    We are transporters... We bring the campers here... Staff is very friendly and helpful... Very nice place

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