Blue Sky Smiles i Saginaw

Forenede StaterBlue Sky Smiles



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825, Towne Court, 76179, Saginaw, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 817-953-2572
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Latitude: 32.8706662, Longitude: -97.3753218

kommentar 5

  • Kimberly Gomez

    Kimberly Gomez


    I have been going to this dentist for years now, and Dr. Robinson is always so personable and friendly from the way he acts to his patients as well as his employees. Every employee I encounter is always nice and friendly. Teeth are very important to me, and it took me a few dentists before I found Dr. Robinson.. best decision I have made when it comes to keeping my teeth healthy and clean.

  • Michelle Westfall

    Michelle Westfall


    I’ve been going here for several years and can’t say enough about how wonderful they are. I don’t really love going to the dentist (who does?) and particularly don’t enjoy having my teeth cleaned, but you gotta do it for your health. What I DO love is how kind and friendly their staff is. Sheila is my hygienist and I adore her! I have to move in about a year and will still drive over to Blue Sky Smiles every 6 months just to see her! Thanks Blue Sky Smiles, for taking such good care of my hubby and me!

  • Ron Horton

    Ron Horton


    As always, I was extremely pleased by the courteous, professional care I received earlier today during my routine dental exam at Dr. Brent Robinson’s office in north Saginaw. Dr. Robinson and his well-trained staff have provided competent dental care for my family for over ten years. I cannot imagine getting better dental care from any practitioner in North Texas. Our area continues to be well served by Dr. Robinson and his service-oriented staff. I highly recommend Dr. Robinson and greatly appreciate his professional dental care in recent years.

  • en

    Ricky Nanthavong


    I have been going to Dr. Robinson for years now. I have always left feeling refreshed and beyond happy. I walk-in and am pretty much immediately checked in and brought to the back. I have never had to wait more than 5 minutes! and when you are in a rush, this is fantastic. Everyone is warm and welcoming and always makes me feel very comfortable. My visits are usually just routine check ups, but I am always well attended to. I highly recommend all friends and family to Dr. Robinson when they are in search of a new dentist. They are always available and accommodating for my schedule.

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    Dennis Heerwagen


    This is an incredible Dentist. Dr Robinson has introduced customer care from start to finish with always the customer first. The technology they use allows the customer to feel special from reminder touches, to check in, to the actual procedure. Dr Robinson and his team have created an environment that takes Dentistry to a new level of complete satisfaction and care. i cannot say enough about them as there are no words that could be written to describe the entire experience. WELL DONE!!!

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