Bliss Spa at W Hollywood w Los Angeles

Stany ZjednoczoneBliss Spa at W Hollywood



🕗 godziny otwarcia

6250 Hollywood Blvd at W, Los Angeles, CA 90028, USA
kontakt telefon: +1 323-798-1386
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 34.1009554, Longitude: -118.3258303

komentarze 5

  • Sara Evans

    Sara Evans


    Martha (nails) and Sofia (massage) are absolutely amazing. Martha does such a good job on my nails that I can go an extra week without having them redone as opposed to any other nail salon I've been to. She is also beyond sweet and makes nice conversation without ever getting too personal. Sofia has magical hands and you want to melt to the floor when she is done. She recognizes all trouble spots and works them perfectly. She is strong where you need it, but not too strong where you don't. The spa in general is great - easy to park, clean and very friendly staff. It feels like a little family there. 5 Stars!

  • en

    Mira Caldera


    Please do not even think of going to this miserable establishment. This is the spa where Horror Stories are made. Not only has someone I know been physically harmed by one of the therapists, but their assistant manager Alyssa Perez subjected my friend to psychological abuse and verbal abuse on top of that, after my friend had already been victimized. Please proceed at your own risk.

  • Helena Perfect

    Helena Perfect


    Don't know how to make manicure and even just to put polish. Gel was on cuticle , touching the skin. Extremely unprofessional + a "specialist" didn't want to admit that it's not an appropriate job. Massage and other services are not bad , 4- out of five

  • en

    A Google User


  • en

    A Google User


    low-key, efficient, and pampering in a no bs sort of way. loved my facial, my daughter loved hers. and we had great manicures and pedicures. we will definitely be back.

najbliższy Spa

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