Blazing Bagels w Montgomery

Stany ZjednoczoneBlazing Bagels



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111, Hawkins Drive, 12549, Montgomery, Orange County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-457-5221
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.512363, Longitude: -74.210907

komentarze 5

  • en

    Theresa Butler


    I am giving a one star rating because of the amount of times we have been inconvenienced after arriving at Blazing Bagels and finding that they have once again run out of bagels. On the occasions that this has happened, it is several hours before they are scheduled to close. That is ridiculous! My son is a huge fan of the bagels and has literally raced out of the house to try and get there knowing it’s not a guarantee there will be any bagels left… And this at 10 o’clock in the morning! I was prompted to leave this review after it happened again this morning to my other son. Again, it was 10 o’clock this morning. If your demand is high, increase your supply. It’s that simple.

  • en

    Donna Wiegert


    I went there because Hannafords was not open yet. The girl working was very helpful and friendly. The bagels were a disappointment. I would expect more from a place that specializes in bagels. They looked like mini bagels. My grandson was still hungry after his. I will wait for Hannafords to open next time. They also have very limited and inconsistent hours.

  • DJ Royale

    DJ Royale


    This little breakfast nook is a delight. Expect a high wait time. Due to everything being made to order. But the food is well worth the wait. The cook John chill and makes bomb suggestions. My favorite sandwhich is the barracuda open face. Lox is awesome. Chose from a variety of stellar breakfast or lunch.

  • en

    Jessica Hetlyn


    Prices have gone up and bagels have shrunk. Definitely not as good as it used to be.

  • en

    C M


    First off, I can say it's the only bagel place in Montgomery. Heres a few reasons why I was put off. They never list their prices. It's not even a matter of taking a sign down for the price, and forgetting to put that sign back up. It's been like that for years. I don't understand how they can get away with this because New York State law makes it mandatory to list the prices. The food is alright. But while I'm being honest, there's other locations that are better than this joint. He tried to take credit for the rainbow bagel that was well known for in Brooklyn, and went viral. When I inquired about it, the owner said he's the only place around that makes rainbow bagels. God bless the people who work behind the counter because the owner is good for literally sitting on his ass. There was one person behind the counter, and she was taking four people's orders. The owner walks on by her, doesn't even offer to help, and sits on the plastic crate. That just put a bad taste in my mouth. He knew his business was busy, but wouldn't even offer to help his employees. I've seen this on multiple occasions, and this is mostly why I won't go back to his store. (Aside from the mystery jeopardy pricing.) While on that note, the owner is extremely awkward. He won't say hello, or even say excuse me. He watches everything the employees do, won't offer to help, and doesn't say much. Asking him something is like pulling teeth. I've never even worked for him, and this is something I noticed!

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