Black Duck Bar, Palace Cafe, New Orleans i New Orleans

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Forenede StaterBlack Duck Bar, Palace Cafe, New Orleans


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605, Canal Street, 70130, New Orleans, Orleans Parish, US USA
kontakter telefon: +1
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Latitude: 29.9529413, Longitude: -90.068144

kommentar 5

  • Kerron Norman

    Kerron Norman


    Delicious shrimp and grits, attentive wait staff, and live jazz music! I had a wonderful Saturday brunch experience.

  • en



    Very salty chicken, way to salty even for a chef who does not taste his food. There were 2 tiny potatoes and I found one (1) julienne slice of pepper in the plate. The reality is far from food description for this salty “half chicken” . This is not a 5 star restaurant ( Google rating) in 100 years. You will have 5 people serving you: one bringing water, one taking order, 2 serving in the same time the food ordered, and another one taking the bill; there are lots of food runners that are just watching the show, I have seen many well managed restaurants but this is puzzling me. Modest food for the money. Long waiting for food to come at table. Disappointed, forget about it.

  • en

    James Kidd


    The bananas foster drink I was recommended changed my life. You will laugh at me until you have one. This relaxing second floor bar is attended by the best bartenders in New Orleans who care about their craft.

  • K9BBQ Matt

    K9BBQ Matt


    What a great place to dine. Fabulous food. Amazing selection of rum. Staff very attentative and friendly service. Must visit this place.

  • en

    Steven Susaneck


    While looking for a place to get a low key meal in NOLA Sunday night we saw a sigh for the Black Duck in the Palace Cafe. To our surprise, this place is the French Quarter best kept secret. We had a cheese platter and fried duck wings, both excellent. A must for casual meal of small plates. Not to mention the wonderful bar. Will be a regular

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