Black Coffee and Waffle Bar i Minneapolis

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterBlack Coffee and Waffle Bar



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1500, Como Avenue Southeast, 55414, Minneapolis, Hennepin County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 612-436-0719
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Latitude: 44.987702, Longitude: -93.2301312

kommentar 5

  • T Kue

    T Kue


    The waffles were yummy and soft. I'd go back again for it. I love sweet drinks but there stuff was wayyyy too sweet. I couldn't finish my drink and the tables there were sticky due to syrup spills.

  • en

    Pravakar Roy


    Wonderful little coffee place. Their coffee and waffles are great. It is a bit expensive though. Additionally, they have a long wait time in the morning for waffles. Their black wall is an attractive place for photo sessions.

  • Mao Xiong

    Mao Xiong


    First timer! This place litterally has only coffee and waffles. Waffles was good but it's nothing special to come back too!!! Grab your own table, grab your own condiments, and fast service. I am mad at the fact that THE LADY MAKING MY WAFFLES USED HER BARE HANDS AND HAD NAIL POLISH ON! Also the place was very humid! Overall Not worth it.

  • en

    Sam Secord


    My first time here. Aesthetically pleasing as well as pleasant staff. Food was great (didn’t even need syrup with my waffle)! I would highly recommend for a cute date spot. I don’t think I would recommend as a huge group (6+) meal spot.

  • Victoria Grove

    Victoria Grove


    I got the Naughty Waffle. It was cool. I appreciate that they put fresh fruit on there, no compote here! The atmosphere was relaxed which I love. I understand there are limitations to the food since there is not really a kitchen... but I'm not ALWAYS in the mood for waffles 5 ways....

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