BitterSweet w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneBitterSweet



🕗 godziny otwarcia

180, Dekalb Avenue, 11205, Kings County, New York, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 718-852-2556
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6894848, Longitude: -73.9724988

komentarze 5

  • Alexi George

    Alexi George


    This is my favorite coffee place ever. Nothing compares to it! Give it a try :)

  • Sasha Malchik

    Sasha Malchik


    Pros: Decent coffee (La Colombe beans). Warm neighborhood feel. Cons: Decent coffee (La Colombe is not that good, the roast is quite burnt); atrocious muzak (Kenny G, ouch!)

  • en



    I come here a lot and the coffee is phenomenal. I wouldn’t come here for the food, although the cinnamon rolls are pretty good. It is dog friendly as you can “park” your dog outside of the place while you get coffee and dog treats (yes the place provides doggy treats!) for your dog.

  • MJ Museum

    MJ Museum


    Best coffee in town this is my personal coffee shop I visit almost five days a week for coffee!!!!! Personally I think this is the best choice in Brooklyn they is line out the door every morning for this tasteful coffee if u ate a morning person such as myself you should get your butt to this coffee shop"there are also great scones and ears for breakfast also!!!!!! Try it you will be hooked instantly,!

  • Marita Cockburn

    Marita Cockburn


    Cute little spot, and good latte and scone. However, service left something to be desired. Disinterested staff and the person ringing in my order didn’t give me my change and instead dropped it into a deep tip jar (where I couldn’t retrieve it) without my consent. Then laughed loudly about it, as if he had played a funny joke on me. When I quietly suggested that normally a tip is for the customer to give and not the employee to take, he laughed again. Very unimpressive and unethical behaviour.

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