Bill's Records w Dallas

Stany ZjednoczoneBill's Records



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1317, South Lamar Street, 75215, Dallas, Dallas County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 214-421-1500
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Latitude: 32.7679997, Longitude: -96.7964749

komentarze 5

  • Joel Renaud

    Joel Renaud


    Despite the fact that Bill and Bill's Records is somewhat of a Dallas institution, I couldn't stand going there. Granted, I didn't get exposure to probably the only redeeming quality of Bill's, and that is talking music with Bill. Even though Bill has only been at this location for a few years, it feels like it's been there for about 80. When you walk in, you're immediately overcome with the smell of cigarette smoke and dimly lit despair. You get the feeling that a hoarder with a thing for music, just happened to be keeping his stuff in this old dark place, that fortunately was already zoned Commercial, put a sign out front, and told the public - "Good Luck!". If you're the kind of person that likes a challenge and enjoys digging through unorganized piles in the hope of finding that one gem, this place is for you. Bill even provides chairs here and there because he knows it will take a while to get through the stacks. Just be sure that your tetanus shots are up to date. Whenever Bill passes away (hopefully not any time soon), I can't help but envision the place being cleaned out by an army of extras from the movie Outbreak (go look it up, but don't watch it).

  • Kevin Valencia

    Kevin Valencia


    I am a very organized person, if you are as well, then maybe skip the Vinyl selection here. It is true, there is no order to the chaos of the vinyl BUT I am sure there is something to be found. I got too overwhelmed with no order of the place that I got discouraged to look for anything. Dont like the smell of cigarettes? I dont mind it but there could be those that dont want to bother. Again, not a bad place but not for me.

  • Sasha 92

    Sasha 92


    Yes Bill's does have just about everything u just have to take time to dig. Bill is very knowledgeable about music. Thanks Bill for helping me yesterday, I enjoyed talking to u and will be back for that ,PF album .

  • Dan Ford

    Dan Ford


    Bill's Records is an old-school vinyl-lovers dream. Its like going to a really good small bookstore. The smell of the place, the large and fantastic quality imagery from the album covers, and pondering a well-rounded collection of new and old music is something iTunes or Pandora will never give you. Bill's Records was once voted Billboard Magazine's "BEST MOM AND POP RECORD STORE" . The South Dallas location sits in the heart of an area revitalized by the influx of live music venues. Its a must see for those nostalgic for the RECORD STORE experience. BILL IS A CLASSIC!!!

  • en

    Brock Sullivan


    I went into Bill's today looking for a hard to find record. He had a near perfect one and went right to it. Bill was very friendly and a wealth of knowledge. Don't understand negative reviews, this store is a time capsule. It would be nearly impossible to dig through all of the vinyl this store has and organize them. I definitely look forward to visiting his store for another treasure hunt soon.

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