Bill's Bar w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneBill's Bar



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6326, Avenue N, 11234, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-444-9644
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.6194163, Longitude: -73.9163186

komentarze 5

  • en

    Philip Gatti


    Great place to social with people .trans frendly trans gurl hang out on weekend there her. Name Simone great person .people love her cool to talk too .richie the bar man top shelf person .love this place.great music and drinks.

  • en

    Christian thomas


    This so a trashy bar I do t recommend coming here.




    People really come in here to pay you THEIR money for your services and you decide to allow racists to just call out random racist slurs, with no workers in defense of the paying victim? Horrible.

  • en

    Alexandra DeFrancesco


    DO NOT GO TO THIS BAR. Bill's Bar is a RACIST place that should not be in business. A very close friend of mine, who is African American, was verbally attacked by customers as soon as he entered the bar. He was greeted with derisive hooting and shouts of "the cavalry is here" before being told "no n***ers here." The bartender did nothing to stop it. This is disgusting and completely unacceptable. I wish I could say I was shocked by the inhumane and unjust way my friend was treated, but this bar is a very sad yet important example of the blatant racism that continues to pervade this country. I am sickened and will be telling everyone I know to stay away from this bar.

  • en

    Evgenia Gorovaya


    This is a racist establishment. I was supposed to meet some friends of mine at this bar tonight. One friend of mine, a black man, got there a little earlier than the rest of us. Once he entered, the patrons had loudly said "No n***ers allowed here." The bartender said nothing in his defense. I am disappointed and embarrassed that this behavior was tolerated. I was born and raised in Bergen Beach, attended the local elementary school, and it is heartbreaking to know that a dear friend of mine was treated in this manner in my own neighborhood. My friend, understandably, wanted to move on and forget it happened, but I called the bar once we parted ways and was told by whomever answered the phone that "I wasn't around when that happened, there are plenty of black people who come here, I don't know what you're talking about" and hung up on me. This is unacceptable. I expected more from this establishment than a denial of what had happened. I have never in my life reviewed a bar/restaurant but I felt people had to know about this.

najbliższy Bar

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