Bijou Beauty & Hair Supply w Jersey City

Stany ZjednoczoneBijou Beauty & Hair Supply



🕗 godziny otwarcia

380, Martin Luther King Drive, 07305, Jersey City, Hudson County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-435-5550
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7115078, Longitude: -74.0783324

komentarze 5

  • Qualema W.

    Qualema W.


    Friendly staff, very upbeat and helpful! They give honest opinions about how a wig or hair piece looks on you and they try their best to help you find the exact texture and color when looking for wigs and weave. Been a consistent customer for 3 years ! I don't yo anywhere else for the most part. Unless I can't make it to this one before it closes.

  • Laylani Lani

    Laylani Lani


    I have been several times. Let me simply explain they charge full prices for there hair units. I bought one and it tangled up like a dog on a leash. And it suppose to be human it sheds and it’s horrible. If you buy hair buy synthetic at least you won’t have most of your purchase on the floor. Wasted so much money for nothing. Beauty supply hair sucks, going back to high end. If you claim it’s human it should be human misadvertising.

  • Tene Williams

    Tene Williams


    Just what I was looking for right down the block. They have tons of hair selections. I was about to go to New York when I did a search and found bijou. They are very well-stocked and the staff was fabulous.

  • 3000Vegeta



    That cashier's a real jerk went to this store to pick up a package from UPS and he initially ignored me, and then when I asked again in the most passive tone he catches an attitude and didn't even check to see package. If this is how you treat actual customers how can you expect to run a business? This asian man was even rude to his own workers.

  • en

    Dynasia Ballon


    I'm not sure if I was racially profiled or they were recently having a lot of robberies over that week BUT I was watched and followed soon as I came through the door. I always go to this hair store since its right around the corner but on this day there was a short Asian man there (manager idk). I went to the aisle where my hair was and before I knew it the Asian man was at the end of the aisle watching me. Just standing there randomly. I was waiting for him to ask me did I need assistance but no he just stood there pretending not to watch me. Of course, I even said hi to maybe start up a conversation so he would stop staring a hole into my head. He said hi so coldly and continued to stare. I WILL NEVER EVER go back to this store. I felt so unwelcomed. I will rather walk the distance to Kims than to offer them my money again. It's really a shame because the women in there are so nice and helpful. Word of advice: don't open a store in a black neighborhood if you are going to be scared of black people shopping there.

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