Big Planet Comics i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterBig Planet Comics



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1520, U Street Northwest, 20009, Washington, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 202-342-1961
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Latitude: 38.9168752, Longitude: -77.0354184

kommentar 5

  • Cole Dowden

    Cole Dowden


    A great little comic book shop with a good selection despite being in a small space. Happy Free Comic Book Day!!!

  • Rob graetz`

    Rob graetz`


    Was a nice small comic book shop with alot of newer comics

  • en

    Terri A


    Great selection. I found a number of graphic novels that I have been looking around for, as well as being introduced to several new titles. The comics are shelved by genre, which is really helpful. I was particularly impressed by their Graphic Medecine selection, as those can be hard to find. You can also flip through a rack of comic zines. The store is up a steep flight of stairs and definitely not wheelchair accessible.

  • Mike Rhode

    Mike Rhode


    Small but amazingly well stocked with new comics and graphic novels.

  • Topher Mathrusse

    Topher Mathrusse


    Some of the best, friendliest, and most knowledgeable staffs at a comic book store I've ever known. Wonderful selection, great location, and they even have a reading group. Both this and Fantom in Dupont are the best possible places to go for comics.

nærmeste Bog butik

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