Big O Tires w Phoenix

Stany ZjednoczoneBig O Tires



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720, East Baseline Road, 85042, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 602-243-6255
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Latitude: 33.3781147, Longitude: -112.063681

komentarze 5

  • Trystan Corona

    Trystan Corona


    I went in to initially get four new tires, an oil change and an alignment and they took care of that no problem. However, they LOST my wheel lock, which is needed to take my tires off/ on my vehicle. They ordered me a new one, but they never called me or contacted me to confirm it was there at the shop. A couple days ago my coolant hose was cut by I’m assuming my radiator fans, and this was NEVER a problem until after I got my oil change. I mentioned that I’d buy the new hose no problem if they’d install it for me, and they said I must have had something come from under my car and knock my hose out of place. No, I definitely would have heard or been aware of that should that of happened. Not to mention if something were to come from under my car why would it have only hit my coolant hose? They quoted me $925.00 to replace the coolant hose! Not only is their staff unprofessional and unorganized, but they charge a ridiculous amount of money for a simple fix. I highly recommend NOT coming to this location due to their poor customer service and lack of responsibility. Big O’Tires is certainly never to have my business again.

  • Cristina Robles

    Cristina Robles


    The guy that we talked to was helpful. He said there was no wait and that they can get us in right away to change tires. 3+ hours later we are still waiting. We have somewhere to be but it feels like they don't care.

  • Melinda Carlson

    Melinda Carlson


    They get it done right. They were able to order a set of uncommon tires and specific wheels for my car. They were very professional and got it done. They were fast, decently inexpensive and polite. I will be going here again.

  • Janelle Roberts

    Janelle Roberts


    I go to Big O Tire for the convenience. I have a Ford and the dealership is out of the way. But no more! It’s a big rip off! My tire kept loosing air so I took my car there and they said sorry but your tire has a nail in it and cannot be repaired and you have another tire that has four nails in it. And guess what those two tires did not have a warranty on them so I had to pay full price but my other two tires that weren’t bad had warranty’s. That didn’t make sense to me. I needed a catalytic converter which was 1700.00 and they told me that they didn’t have it in stock and there was only one place in town that had it and it was the most expensive place and they had no choice but to get it from there which is why my total was so high. A week later my check engine light came back on so I took it back and they said my motor mounts were bad and it would be another 1000.00. How did that happen within a weeks time??? A while ago I had my brakes fixed and after I drove off I could tell they were still bad. I took the car back and they swore up and down the brakes were good. I left and returned with my daughters for back up. Someone else looked at them and he said my breaks were really bad and finally replaced them. Yesterday I took my car in again because my breaks were grinding. They said my front and back breaks were bad and gave me a quote of 700.00 but a coupon for 50.00 was applied. I told them I would come back tomorrow because I didn’t have that much money. Instead I called Earnhardt Ford and and they said only my front brakes were that’s were I took it. Even though Big O Tires is conveniently located I will never go there again. They cannot be trusted! Please do not there!! They lied about my back breaks just to get more money when nothing was even wrong with them! I feel like everything they fixed for me they lied about also just to get more money from me.

  • en

    Scott Kennedy


    Great experience at this location. I've taken my Nissan and my Kia here on multiple occasions for oil changes and tire rotation and have had reliable service performed each time. Service Advisor Nick Lamont is knowledgeable about vehicle makes and models and has gone above and beyond to assist in proper professional maintenance of my cars. Thank you, Nick, for making my trip to your garage a perfect experience. I will continue to use this location for future service needs.

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