Big Mess BBQ w Las Vegas

Stany ZjednoczoneBig Mess BBQ



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5111, Boulder Highway, 89122, Las Vegas, Clark County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 702-456-7777
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.112808, Longitude: -115.062289

komentarze 5

  • Brandee Meinel

    Brandee Meinel


    Best hidden gem of a bbq at the Sam's Town Casino. The Gumbo is the best thing Ive ever tasted. I went bavk for thirds and forths of the smokey goodness of the Gumbo. I would totally keep going back just the that.

  • en



    Having a coupon giving us a discount we decided giving Big mess Bar-BQ at Sam's Town Casino a try & were very disappointed. The atmosphere in no way resembles what you might expect for a barbeque restaurant & the food less than desirable for the cost. Ordered brisket having a average flavor & quantity satisfactory but for the pricing the sides fell far short of what was expected. What do you do with three slices of brisket served with only one slice of ordinary bread & the thimble sized portion of beans & Cole slaw for sides was very unacceptable. Beans being so cheap serving larger portions would only make good sense. The server was gracious but the food aspect was very disappointing & we shall not return. Thankfully we never paid full price when that would have made our experience even more undesirable

  • Jose Avila

    Jose Avila


    Great food the first time I went in...... but is time food portions were smaller ,same price and service was well okay....

  • Brenda bennett

    Brenda bennett


    The hostess -(5) , the waitress - (-1), beef nachos (-5), catfish (3) the fish was fresh, fried perfectly but a true southerner will let you know if the batter is off. The texture was perfect ...and the taste was lacking. The fish was bland. French fries = crunchy outside and dry inside and too much salt. Cole slaw (-0).

  • Ashlen Manos

    Ashlen Manos


    Loved it! Service is helpful and courteous! Pork rind starter was amazing so unique! Meat dishes were fantastic but the real hidden gem was the blackened salmon! Come in to this hidden gem you won’t be disappointed

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