Big Daddy's Car Wash & Quick Lube w North Bergen

Stany ZjednoczoneBig Daddy's Car Wash & Quick Lube



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8930, John Fitzgerald Kennedy Boulevard, 07047, North Bergen, Hudson County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-854-9797
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.809852, Longitude: -74.006384

komentarze 5

  • Brian Varela

    Brian Varela


    They soaked the back seat of my car, left an entire door dirty and only offered to vacuum the water out which did nothing.. I heard employees complaining that stuff like this happens all the time. Nothing against the staff, but not happy with how the issue was addressed . STAY AWAY!!!

  • Helena Cunat

    Helena Cunat


    Hi everyone. I found the perfect place fir my car’s oil change and tune up. More than 20 years in this country, but had never been to Big Daddy’s!! It is super cool and entertaining to see your car go in and get washed by this mega machine!!. Alonzo was the mechanic that changed my car’s oil, and a few other that were due for check up!!.. :) I recommend these guys anywhere, i had a wonderful experience!!

  • Jeanine B

    Jeanine B


    Zero stars if possible. About a month ago I came in for an oil change. All they did was turn the pressure up to upsell, upsell, upsell. Yes it was not smart of me but when the intimidating guy came out telling me I NEEDED an engine flush, I agreed. Huge mistake. They tried twice more to upsell more services to me but I said no. I get my car back after waiting about 3 hours. I have owned this car for 9 years and I know how it drives. The second I drive off the lot, it doesn't feel right. One block away, stopped at a red light, the entire bottom of my car starts shaking like an earthquake and making a whirring noise. That NEVER happened in all these years but after these clowns, my car was now damaged. Do NOT go here unless you want to go to a second shop and pay a fortune to have the damage repaired from what these dopes did to your car. You've been warned!!!!!

  • вадим коваленко

    вадим коваленко


    Быстро и недорого, плюс меняют масло, тоже недорого.

  • en

    Joseph Cohen


    Place is terrible... They rush through cleaning your car. My windows just came out all wet and streaked. On top of that. They charge 5 extra bucks to clean your rubber mats now... The only thing that's good about this place is the exterior wash of the car because its done by machine. Anything done by hand in this place is horrible. I will NOT be returning!

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