Big Bucks Auto w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneBig Bucks Auto



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154-05, Northern Boulevard, 11354, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-291-0850
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7647516, Longitude: -73.810566

komentarze 5

  • en



    I recently sold my car as I no longer needed to drive to an office every day for my job. I have a very busy job that requires me to work a lot of hours, so dealing with putting up ads, answering phone calls and emails would have been a pain and I live in Manhattan, so setting up a test drive would have been a pain. Also, I was not getting another car, so going to a dealer was not going to happen either. Adding all of this up, I went to Big Bucks Auto. These guys buy cars pretty much on the spot from people and are not creepy used car salesmen. They were all friendly and professional and work quickly. They ran the history on my car, did a physical inspection, went on a test drive and put an offer together. BAM! That was fast. They handle all the paperwork, they will even pay off your loan and deal with bank / financing company hassle for you. The whole process took an hour or so. They are also a few blocks from an E & F train station, so after you sell your car, you can easily get home. Although they pay less than what you could get selling the car yourself on Craigslist or Ebay, it is way less hassle and if you are a very busy person, it is totally worth it.

  • Taylor Chance

    Taylor Chance


    If you have to sell a car then you totally need to check this place. I loved their client service, they're very serious about their job and will do whatever they can to leave you satisfied. With my busy schedule I couldn't find time to visit them, and decided to try online car traders. On auto auction repokar I finally found what I needed, a good buyer that offered the best price possible.

  • en

    William Gooding


    I recently sold my car to Big Bucks after moving back to NYC and the experience could not have been better. Buddy and his staff are pleasant, fair, and incredibly accommodating. I would recommend Big Bucks as the first stop if you're looking to sell a car.

  • en

    Klever Serrano


    I was laid off from my job and not having any luck finding a position in my field for a few months. My bills were starting to get backed-up and I had already missed 2 car payments. I didn't want this to negatively affect my credit, so I called Big Bucks to find out what options might be available. They invited me to stop in for a free appraisal. I wasn't sure if they would be able to get me out of my loan, but I was hopeful. Ron & Buddy appraised my car and told me my options with Big Bucks. I sold my car a few weeks later and I was able to protect my credit, which was a huge relief! These guys were upfront and honest- thanks for helping out during a very stressful time in my life! Greatly appreciated.

  • Cristina Reyeros

    Cristina Reyeros


    Thanks to Ronald and Buddy i was able to sell my car in a little less than 45 minutes. The guys were able to give me a good deal and i walked out of their office very satisfied. Overall the staff at Big Bucks Auto were very friendly and professional. If and when i decide to sell another car i won't hesitate to contact the staff at Big Bucks Auto. Thanks for making the process so easy and convenient.

najbliższy Dealer samochodowy

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