Big Apple Kitchen w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneBig Apple Kitchen



🕗 godziny otwarcia

489, Rockaway Avenue, 11212, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-566-7888
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6682258, Longitude: -73.9099722

komentarze 5

  • Lola Thomas

    Lola Thomas


    Horrible and racist no respect for black people in a black community that makes their business thrive.... Not from the area but have been ordering from here since I came and a little over a year ago .. In fact they have been before today one of the only restaurant I order from , not that there the best , but Hardee's on Saratoga doesn't deliver ... 5/24/2018 I proceeded to place a order with bi apple , because of my request on frying my French fries hard " the man on the phone " Mick yelled at me , told me if I wanted my fries hard to come and get them " then proceeded to yell at me for no apparent reason before telling me that they no longer did delivery's... I've been in the restaurant where I seen how people were treated and it is not at all friendly or welcoming.... We continue to support disrespectful businesses like things, help them to flourish in our communities but will hesitate when it comes to supporting our own... They won't get not one more " black " dollar or coin from me... Boycott big apple👊

  • Madamoiselle Neo Phenix

    Madamoiselle Neo Phenix


    Clean Restaurant & Real Chicken #LovedIt #GodIsMyAnchor⚓️ #NeoPhenix⚓️

  • Jaime bunch

    Jaime bunch


    I love this place I eat here n get my good delivered as they do for free nice people too ,good food.

  • en

    nichole petty


    Food is good they wings are fresh! the lady is very rude! the delivery driver always beg for tips but never get out the car or comes up stairs!

  • en

    Tere GB


    Slightly better than the other Chinese food spot in this area. A bit cleaner as well. A good amount of food for their lunch specials. No frills just something fast and a lesser evil than everything else surrounding this neighborhood of fast food tasteless restaurants. Especially if you have a particular diet, you're better off order from here and asking for veggies and rice.

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