BH Franklin Dental i Franklin Square

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405, Franklin Avenue, 11010, Franklin Square, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-629-5235
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Latitude: 40.6969982, Longitude: -73.6822391

kommentar 5

  • en

    Joanna Rivera


    Dr Babayev is the best dentist EVER !!! I had braces for 2 years and went for my 6 months checkup w my previous dentist and he failed to see my tooth decay severely. Doctor Babayev took one look at me and knew something was wrong . She said she would try to save my tooth and avoid a root canal. I was so scared to get a root canal . She worked on the tooth and gave it time to heal . Then the following week she took out the decay and did a filling not a root canal . And now everything feels and looks better without extensive work. If I had gone to another dentist it would have been an immediate root canal. Dr Babayev is very kind, she has patience and has the best hands . She is extremely good and very profesional . Also the office is very clean and the staff is amazing . Has much respect to everyone the same way and is also very attentive. BH franklin is the BEST.

  • en

    Coralie Conille


    I usually am not one to write reviews but wanted to comment on my experience at BH Franklin Dental. I have gone to the same dentist for over 20 years but decided to try someone new due to distance. I went to Dentist Babayev in June and received a "deep cleaning" which she recommended. I've never received a deep cleaning before but due to the doctor's recommendation I decided to follow through. Over $100 was due at the time of appointment and the rest to be billed through insurance. Six months later in December I received a bill and contacted Dr. Babayev who informed me the insurance would not cover. When I contacted my insurance they informed me that the service was not needed and I was now left with an outstanding bill of $350. Last week, I was contacted by Dr. Babyev's receptionist who was extremely nasty, rude and condescending. She threatened that this bill would go to collections as it has been outstanding for a year (which is funny considering I received the bill in December). Dr. Babayev was nice but I would be weary of the recommendations for additional services. Check with your insurance first. Additionally, I would recommend that her receptionist receive some training when addressing clients. It was extremely rude and unprofessional. Needless to say I will not be returning but good luck to all future clients!

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    justin eckert


    Dr. Babayev is one of the most considerate dentists I’ve ever had. She came to the office for me on her day off to ensure that I got my implant in. She takes care of her patients and does her work very well. I would highly consider coming to her.

  • en

    Tyrone Rodriguez


    This is a comfortable, clean & professional environment. Wonderful staff and the best dentist I’ve been to yet. I am usually scared of the dentist but Dr. Babayev has showed me that there is nothing to be scared of. She is very gentle and has taught me to lead as an example for my kids in oral care . Most definitely recommend.

  • Hannah Govinda

    Hannah Govinda


    The most caring dentist Ive ever been to She’s gentle and tries to make the procedure as pain free as possible. Very down to earth, simple, funny and knows what she’s doing. Genuine and always willing to help. I can’t see myself going to any other dentist. Go see for yourself she’s a10 ⭐️

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