Bestway Rent To Own w Fort Worth

Stany ZjednoczoneBestway Rent To Own



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4401, East Lancaster Avenue, 76103, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-535-4451
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 32.741307, Longitude: -97.257282

komentarze 5

  • en

    ETRICE McHaney


    I'm very satisfied with my products THANKS BESTWAY😎😎😎😎😎

  • en

    Zane Gray


    Sonya and Lawrence are the best!! This place is, hands down, better than Rent-a-Center.. And worlds superior to Aaron's ! The staff is helpful and knowledgable and will help u find EXACTLY what u are looking for! Whether it be furniture, appliances, TVs, computers, game systems... They have it all!!! If they don't have it in store, they will find it somewhere! I have always been very satisfied with their products and service!!

  • Mama Bear

    Mama Bear


    I'm shocked by some of the nasty reviews! I had the pleasure of working with everyone at Bestway. I have been treated with absolute respect and they call me to check on me and see if there was anything else they can do for me. They explained the policies where I understood them with no confusion. Now let me say this, if you can't pay it's not the stores fault! You are told up front no late payments allowed! But they will work with you and hold your furniture till you can get back on making your scheduled payments. So don't trash this place because you want special treatment outside the policy terms. Also, appliances bought anywhere have a 50/50 chance of going wrong. It's a machine and machines mess up even when bought new. There is a limited staff so dropping everything they are doing for the other customers isn't an option. Be patient and nice. Clearly people are more willing to help when you treat them with respect! I'm going to continue doing business here I'm a satisfied customer! Thanks to all you at this store!!!! Special thanks to Lawrence, Junior and Sonya for making my experience great!

  • en

    landra shante


    I have to admit Mark and Steven gets things done around there. I went to get money back n they made it right. So far so good thanks to the both of you and Jr you all worked as a team n got err done! Washer and dryer has been delivered and they're both working good. Thanks again! So far so good

  • Darrica Harris

    Darrica Harris


    Very bad customer service and communication skills! Ive gotten a washer and dryer from then never been late and only 3 payments left. I've called 2 days in a row for someone to come to see why dryer is not drying​ my clothes. I called when I first got it about this issue and was told to only keep it on timed dry. Now these are brand new washer and dryer but I was told to keep it on one side. After so long of doing that still not drying my clothes I called to get help. I was told someone would be at my house two days in a row still no one comes or call. I will never do business with this store and never recommend this store!!!

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