Best Podiatrist NYC - Best Foot Doctor Specialist NYC, PRP and Foot Care, 10038- Dr. Harvey Katz w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneBest Podiatrist NYC - Best Foot Doctor Specialist NYC, PRP and Foot Care, 10038- Dr. Harvey Katz



🕗 godziny otwarcia

100, William Street, 10038, New York, New York County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 212-608-3338
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.708368, Longitude: -74.00717

komentarze 5

  • en

    Pedro Nunes


    Doctor was uninformative, pretty much told me to look up things on my own. Spent excess of $500 on things that didn’t solve my problem. Did an exam which was good but went to another doctor and solved my issue in a couple of months instead of an ambiguous amount of time. Staff was friendly.

  • Cool Singing princess

    Cool Singing princess


    I didn't get the see the doctor, one of the staff i think she was prejudice against me . she didn't show any interest in helping me when i asked her a question she just took the Asian patient that went in after me but its ok

  • en

    Nolan Hopkin


    Dr. Harvey Katz foot doctor specialist in NYC. He is very knowledgeable and professional. Fully addressed my issue and gave recommendations. I will be using the office going forward!

  • en

    Mary Jacobs


    Harvey Katz is Best Podiatrist in NYC. All the staff in his office is friendly and explained everything very clearly. They were incredibly caring and even gave me a multiple suggestions.

  • Andy Williams

    Andy Williams


    Great experience and friendly staff. Helpful and thorough.

najbliższy Fizjoterapeuta

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