Best Buy w San Francisco

Stany ZjednoczoneBest Buy



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1717, Harrison Street, 94103, San Francisco, San Francisco County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 415-626-9682
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 37.7684523, Longitude: -122.4129275

komentarze 5

  • en

    Steven Gall


    Best selection of electronics in the city. Prices are comprable with Amazon for the most part. Staff can be knowledgeable if you go in with some knowledge of the products you are interested in, price point and what you want most. Service isn't quick or as friendly as it could be. They are usually quite busy.

  • Leora W

    Leora W


    I was there recently to exchange my defective earbuds (again). Customer service is great. All my information is on record so no hassle with looking for receipts. Good thing I'd purchased the $9.99 extended warranty. I browsed around for a deal on another laptop (prices aren't spectacular...even on sale items) but am always keeping my eyes open just in case. Otherwise, I'll end up going over to Costco, where there are better deals usually.

  • en

    RJ Morton


    The staff attempt to be helpful as per their presumed training standards however, more often than not my questions go unanswered. The management needs to empower the employees by placing more information at their disposal so when a question is above what they were provided or have gathered on their own, they have easily accessible information at their disposal. In many cases I end up increasing their knowledge in whatever area of the store they are assigned to occupy space in, although on more than one occasion I have gone home with products that are either incorrect, incompatible, or incomplete. Their return policies leave much to be desired...

  • Kevin Jaskela

    Kevin Jaskela


    We've all been there before. The store where you go in looking for help on those tough technical problems you can't solve and yet help is no where to be found. Although, this store is usually amply staffed except for the occasional weekend when no one can seem to get help. And even when you do find someone who is willing to help they don't know what they're talking about most of the time. I may be referring to all customer service now-a-days, but this Best Buy in particular could use a little help in the hiring department. At the end of the day I still need my essentials and I usually find them here.

  • christopher lloyd

    christopher lloyd


    Quick in. Quick out. Helpful staff! Competitive prices. Huge selection. Nearly everything in stock. Good value. Convenient location! AND the TACO TRUCK that parks on the street right next to the parking lot has tacos NOBODY CAN BEAT, no matter how hard they try! ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS!

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