Benelux Coffee i Raleigh

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Forenede StaterBenelux Coffee



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402, Oberlin Road, 27605, Raleigh, Wake County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 919-900-8294
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Latitude: 35.790021, Longitude: -78.6627267

kommentar 5

  • Yeshanth Jayakumar

    Yeshanth Jayakumar


    It's a nice little coffee shop which also serves waffles. The artwork which you can find on the left(with a bicycle and Benelux) is made out of coffee beans ! That's innovative. The wifi is definitely fast. 750MB Garage band software took about 5 mins. It is definitely a nice place to catch up with friends. I won't be thrilled about their waffles. We ordered the popular one(Madame) and found the waffle to be a bit doughy. Their quiche was average. However, their coffees and chai lattes are really good. These guys do a good job on latte art. I would recommend their lattes and chai lattes. Their staff are amicable. I have been here twice and I didn't find it hard to find a place. Pooches are welcome which I find nice. Tip: If you are coming here for the first time, you will find parking if you take a left at lights( after you pass Benelux on the left that is) .. then take the first left. Drive for a bit and you will find covered parking. Good coffee and chai(s), good wifi, "Nothing to rave about" Waffles and covered basement parking

  • Rachel Benton

    Rachel Benton


    Update: You can no longer bring in your dogs. :( I understand that this is not their fault and a health code issue, but it would be helpful if I could order from outside then or order ahead so I could pop inside and grab a coffee then continue my walk. I love this coffee shop, mostly because I can bring my dog inside with me. They even provide treats! I also really like their payment cards where you can pre-load a card and you can just give them your phone number. This is helpful for me when I want to just run in and have a quick coffee while I'm walking my dog.

  • Brittany Ro

    Brittany Ro


    I really enjoy their coffee. My only issue is the cleanliness. In the several times I have been there, the bar and storage area are constantly in a state of disarray. Crumbs from the waffle maker litter the nearby area. Used plates and cups stack high in the bus pans in the middle of the shop. And, with a 94.5 sanitation grade, with a servesafe certificate adding an extra point, I can't give more than 3 stars. Some work on cleaning and presentation, and this could be a 5 star establishment.

  • Isabella Hertzig

    Isabella Hertzig


    I have been to Benelux Coffee countless times because I originally enjoyed their coffee, waffles and their overall atmosphere. I am not sure if it is a change in staff/management, or just a change in the way they prefer to run the business but it has only gone downhill. Benelux used to have a unique trade in which it was similar to Europe and you could bring your dogs and enjoy coffee and do homework on your laptop, well now thats all changed. They are "phasing out" allowing dogs, contrary to their original uniqueness. Additionally, the coffee has seemingly gotten less tasty and more expensive. The cost for a latte, drip coffee and two waffles was $25. To me, this felt extremely expensive. Finally, they have now began a "no laptop rule" in which only designated tables are allowed to have laptops. This is to hinder students from spending time there, who I felt were some of their biggest customers and advocates. Overall, the coffee quality has decreased, the atmosphere and uniqueness has become much less than enjoyable and the service was actually extremely rude. I brought my dogs in, as I had done before in the past as it was allowed, and they gave me horrible looks, whispered and then proceeded to scold me for not knowing their policy change. Needless to say, I will not be back. Time to search for a new favorite coffee shop that doesn't change their reputation on a whim and actually allows laptops, serves quality and decently priced coffee.

  • Aaron Keathley

    Aaron Keathley


    Great atmosphere and great coffee. The place is in a great location, and there is free parking. I had read that they had great waffles and the for sure do! YOU MUST TRY THE WAFFLE! 😋

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