Ben Bridge Jeweler w Portland

Stany ZjednoczoneBen Bridge Jeweler



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12000 SE 82nd Ave, Suite 2033, Portland, OR 97086, USA
kontakt telefon: +1 503-653-7797
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 45.4359266, Longitude: -122.5749059

komentarze 4

  • en

    Kathy Godare


    We have been going to Ben Bridge for years! At times have had to wait, but well worth the service that we have received. Val is amazing! She has gone out of her way to "keep secrets" helped design an amazing custom necklace pendant, wrapped gifts and always are very courteous. We will continue to go there for years to come.

  • en

    julia agarkov


    I absolutely love this place. My husband bought my ring here and I whenever I go in for a cleaning they are always so sweet!

  • en

    Fabi B


    My bf had baught me a Pandora bracelet and I had to go pick it up. I go in to pick it I was not greated do to they where busy witch is understandable. but when one of the clerks was done with the customer instead of going to help me she goes n helps the person that got their after me! And just leaves telling me I will be with you as soon as I am done! Waited their like more then 30 minutes to be helped.

  • en

    L Napz


    I have always gone to the Ben Bridge Clackamas Town Center location for my Pandora jewelry; thought they were really nice (at first). However, today has proved differently. I was called by one of their employees (not naming who) saying that they had "accidently" voided my transaction about 3 months ago; that (by the end of the day -- to when I received this phone call (which is today 5/18/16 or by tomorrow)) I am to repay for the items. I told her that this week I have a busy schedule; she still (indirectly) insist that I HAVE to repay for the items today or tomorrow. That she could take a payment over the phone, and I could come in later and sign for it. I mean, who does that? What kind of business lets their employees do that? If there was a problem with the transaction, why did it take only until now, when they realized there was a problem (accidental voiding of the transaction)? Therefore, I did my job as a law abiding citizen to pay for my items that I acquired; for that person to take the full responsibility that it was their own fault for letting the "accident" happen. And no, I don't think I have to RE-PAY the items; which were a mistake made by the employee themselves. (If I could, I would give no stars.)

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