Bellus Nails w West Sacramento

Stany ZjednoczoneBellus Nails



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775, Ikea Court, 95605, West Sacramento, Yolo County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 916-375-1385
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.5899968, Longitude: -121.5498952

komentarze 5

  • en

    Saucie J


    I like Bellus Nails & have been coming here from So. Sac for 3 years. The main lady that sits at the front has become so rude. Her & the guy next to her are both rude period. You are providing a service & talking rude to your customers. We ask a normal question about our nail care & the response is RUDE. I'm not sure if they even care about our nail care & to keep our nail bids healthy. I'm going to find another nail salon, but you really should be kinder to your customers when questions are asked. You all are the professionals not us!

  • Beth Winnett

    Beth Winnett


    Great price, good work and not too busy. I have been here twice and still happy with my service. I have been to many places in town and have not been happy. Everything between comments on nails to cutting my nails until they bleed. At Bellus, they do the job without a bunch of talking, the service is basic but effective, and decent price. I have finally found a nail place.

  • en



    I went yesterday to get my nails done after work, mind you me and my co worker had an appt. I tell the man what kind of full set I wanted, even showed a picture and he was trying to convince me to do something else stating it was different ingredients and wouldn't end up how I wanted them, so I ended up telling to do something quick since he seemed like in a rush, not only that was complaining that we didn't tell him it will be a full set. I was explaining him how I wanted them and kept interrupting me and was completely rude, I tried this place out since my coworker goes there often. We will not return again. Horrible service. He also messed up on my clear nail and told him about it and just ignored. I left in fumes.

  • en

    Laina Marie


    The best pedicure ever! They even offer a paraffin wax option for no additional charge. They have a pretty nice selection of nail polish colors as well. I walked in without an appointment and was seated immediately (3pm on Sunday). I didn't give them 5 stars because they don't have plastic sanitary liners for their pedicure bowls, nor did they have pre- sealed individual use tool packets, and the massage remote on seat #4 didn't was malfunctioning. Lastly their background music is a very sleepy mix of adult contemporary.

  • en

    Shelby M


    I've been going here consistently for the last five months and when I can work with gentleman that works here, I am very happy. He does an amazing job, Julie also does a wonderful job. However one of the girls ripped my real nails multiple times and I was not happy with the end product at all, especially since I was charged more for things I didn't want and vocalized that I didn't want them. I'll be going back with the intent of seeing the two people who have done good and given me and others good experiences.

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