Bellevue Dentistry i Bellevue

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterBellevue Dentistry



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12917, Southeast 38th Street, 98006, Bellevue, King County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 425-230-4073
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Latitude: 47.575779, Longitude: -122.167522

kommentar 5

  • Jan Sheeley

    Jan Sheeley


    I came away knowing I had a healthy mouth and super clean teeth. June was caring and thoughtful explaining every step through my check up and cleaning!

  • betty kong

    betty kong


    I moved here from New Jersey and was fortunate enough to find this dental service. I thought I had good dental care before but with Dr. DiRe and his team everything is up another level. Superior service and care with the most current technologies. Dr. DiRe is a kind and easy to talk to professional. Likewise, June the hygienist who does my cleanings and checkup issues. You absolutely cannot do better than this- can’t believe I am happy to go to the dentist now!

  • Laurie Rees

    Laurie Rees


    The entire team at Bellevue Dentistry is outstanding - courteous, caring, friendly, and professional. Dr. DiRe has been my primary dentist for 30+ years and I've always had excellent care. I also had the pleasure of working with Dr. Flynn during my Clear Correct process. Highly recommended!

  • Carrington Long

    Carrington Long


    Dr. Flynn and the team at Bellevue Dentistry are fantastic, far and away the best dental experience I've ever had! I was especially impressed with Dr. Flynn's chairside manner -- he explained what he was seeing, answered all my questions, and was straightforward about what I should, could, and don't need to do. Between that and their approach to record keeping, I feel really good about leaving my dental health in their hands. The convenient location doesn't hurt either!

  • Cameron Sandquist

    Cameron Sandquist


    Dr. Flynn and his team are amazing! They are friendly and make me feel comfortable talking about my health and dental needs. Would highly recommend them to anyone looking for a new dentist

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