Belleville Pediatric Dentistry, Dami Kim, DDS w Belleville

Stany ZjednoczoneBelleville Pediatric Dentistry, Dami Kim, DDS



🕗 godziny otwarcia

286, Union Avenue, 07109, Belleville, Essex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-302-4805
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7936875, Longitude: -74.15656

komentarze 5

  • en

    Yucel Korkmaz


    Absolutely the best dentist we've ever taken our kids to! Clean office, several toys to entertain *even though we wait no longer than 10 minutes to be seen* full staff is very friendly and helpful! I will never take my boys to anyone else, its unbelievable how gentle and personable Dr. Kim is every visit!

  • Shaquel Scott

    Shaquel Scott


    Very clean office and nice staff. However I think that the dentist need to work on better strategies for children that fear the dentist. I visited her office twice and both times she was losing patience with my child.. If your fears the dentist this isn’t the dentist for her. Because she will stop in the middle of the service with no end solution.

  • en

    Bri Newkirk


    Amazing Dr and staff. Very patient with my daughter who has special needs.

  • Shareese Arroyo

    Shareese Arroyo


    I absolutely love Dr. Kim. She is so great with my son. He does so well with her. She is very patient. The office is clean, we always get called in on time. The staff is so nice and friendly. Going to the dentist is not difficult anymore.

  • en

    Sam Candamo


    By far the cleanest dentist office. The staff is friendly and the dentist is very good. I would reccomend to any one

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