Bellco Credit Union w Wheat Ridge

Stany ZjednoczoneBellco Credit Union



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5091, Kipling Street, 80033, Wheat Ridge, Jefferson County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 720-479-5265
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.7891116, Longitude: -105.1125845

komentarze 5

  • Greg Robertson

    Greg Robertson


    This issue was finally resolved with much effort. Hopefully things have improved? I sold my 2013 GMC 2500 pickup to a friend on March 11 2021. The day before that, I provided a 10 day payoff from my bank. That payoff was good until March 20. After the first week (March 19) I contacted a call center at Bellco. The individual was helpful, but produced no real results and was told that Bellco mailed the payoff check. My payment was due on the 20th so I made it to avoid complications with my bank. After checking all week of March 22-26 I got ahold of another individual at the call center. This agent didn't even try to help and said she couldn't talk to me. A little later that day I was contacted by Bellco and was informed that the payoff check was FED-EX'ed to my bank. I asked for a tracking number and was not provided with one. It is now March 30th, still no payoff. I'm wondering if Bellco has the capital to make payoffs on vehicles they finance, or are they just complete incompetents? I'm checking with my attorney to seek a remedy. I don't like to issue bad reviews, but I will be a crusader for this cause, as I hate to think of others experiencing the same anguish I am...and I'm just the seller, so let the buyer beware!

  • Mark BerkowitZ

    Mark BerkowitZ


    I was treated very well. I opened a account and purchased a C D. I was very satisfied

  • s.y Ta

    s.y Ta


    Small branch office to serve this area, seems to be a little under staff so might contributed to the negative review. I do not use ATM so can't comment on the ATM. But generally services have been reasonable besides sometime a wait longer than expected. The office in Westminster near Costco is much bigger with better staffing along with drive through service whenever I head toward that side of town. Branch size does have some effect on how they served.

  • Kyle Kerstiens

    Kyle Kerstiens


    I have been waiting almost a month for a replacement card this is totally unacceptable. What a joke when I can buy something from overseas and have it here sooner. Bellco is an ok bank but the customer service is terrible, go somewhere else, also the debit cards you get from the branches may last 2 months. Everything they offer is garbage find a different bank

  • Alex Lippincott

    Alex Lippincott


    I never write reviews but I feel a genuine obligation to warn people against using this place for their banking. People here seem kind but also very incompetent. I feel bad saying this but the terrible service wasn't just irritating, it impacted my business and caused some real (avoidable) financial hurdles. I was only trying to get a basic account to perform very basic functions for my small business, but you would have thought I was trying to shuffle money between off shore Swiss bank accounts with how difficult and complicated everything was. I spent many hours in person at this location and many more on hold with folks who (were again very nice, but) weren't able to answer super duper basic questions until finally now after one very frustrating month I am closing my account and going to another bank.

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