Bella Nails w Pittsburgh

Stany ZjednoczoneBella Nails



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2350, Noblestown Road, 15205, Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 412-921-1257
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.4277764, Longitude: -80.0548573

komentarze 5

  • toy chica Bonnie

    toy chica Bonnie


    They had me sitting in the chair for 10 mins & when the little girl directed me to a booth I said "hello" cheerfully the woman got up helped someone else then went outside they gave me horrible service sad part is I Loved this salon wouldn't want to go somewhere else but they were very rude to me today will not be going back😢 & I was getting my nails & wax for my wedding

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    Linda Hamm


    This was my first time at Bella’s but I definitely will be going back. The staff made me feel very comfortable and they explained everything to me with my endless questions. They suggested the new organic color powder (I think it’s called) instead of the gel nails. There are no chemicals and it’s better for your nails. Ty again Amy!

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    Kimberly Kitchen


    First time I came here, my nails were actually good. But I went there today and they did a terrible job. I'm paying for a full in and that's what I expect. She did a half ass job, she burned me with the nail grinder and to top it off was rude because I asked for it to be done right. Definitely do NOT recommend this place. Honestly, one star is generous.

  • Amanda Palombo

    Amanda Palombo


    Honestly, I didn't even get my nails done here. I sat there for an hour while I watched two people that came in after me get their nails done. Nobody had knowledge me coming in the door, and didn't even tell me how long of a wait it would've been. It was busy, but even still nobody said a word to me the entire time. I don't even think they deserve one starred to be honest.

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    Julia Chernushin


    What a friendly experience! The women are a hoot! The people here really take their time with their craft. I am so grateful for the experience!

najbliższy Salon piękności

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