Bella Bridesmaids Minneapolis w Minneapolis

Stany ZjednoczoneBella Bridesmaids Minneapolis



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1005, West Franklin Avenue, 55405, Minneapolis, Hennepin County, US Estados Unidos
kontakt telefon: +1 952-474-5086
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 44.9625043, Longitude: -93.2920851

komentarze 5

  • en

    Joanna Opitz


    The crew at Bella Bridesmaids made shopping for my ladies so easy. Because they have multiple locations across the country, bridesmaids in various cities were able to try on the options, get fitted, and still have all the orders submitted together. On wedding day, every looked beautiful in the dresses they had picked out to match their personalities.

  • Lindsi Gish

    Lindsi Gish


    My now-husband's daughters and I had a great experience at Bella in Minneapolis. We had a beach wedding, and the girls walked down the aisle in coordinating but varied dresses. The process of trying on was fun, and we even got one of them off the rack at a great price. Thanks, Bella!

  • Claire Ritzen

    Claire Ritzen


    My wedding party was tricky, with 4 bridesmaids living in Minneapolis and 4 living in STL. I knew I wanted to do mix and match dresses, but coordinating between two cities would be difficult. Bella made the process extremely easy and was attentive and helpful at every visit. They even offered fabric swatches so I could see how it looked with the dresses in STL. Because we had 8 bridesmaids with them we also got a 10% discount! The variety and styling of dresses was everything I could have hoped for. Thanks Bella for making my bridesmaids feel beautiful!

  • Jenna Johnson

    Jenna Johnson


    My girlfriends and I have been coming to Briana at Bella for about four years now! She is amazing and continues to provide us the best customer service and carries the prettiest selection of dresses. I have been a bridesmaid 11 times and this is easily the best option for dresses in Minnesota!

  • en

    Megan Perry


    The only bad thing if I had to say is its hard to find off the street if you're not really looking. It's upstairs in a building with multiple businesses. You wouldn't believe it was up there. But the ladies are spectacular and I had a great time. They were focused on us, not trying to make the sale. Also, they definitely knew what they were talking about and loved it. Not some temporary sales lady where its not their career. And I loved almost all the dresses. Thank you ladies!

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