Belgian Beer Cafe en Newark

Estados UnidosBelgian Beer Cafe



🕗 horarios

3, Brewster Road, 07114, Newark, Essex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 973-286-7650
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.6904863, Longitude: -74.1772627

comentarios 5

  • en

    Kevin Krizan


    The food was not good and the service was bad.

  • en

    Matthew H


    Terrible food and poor value. "Seafood soup" was pink slop, and probably tinned pink slop given that it was delivered within minutes of ordering. It was so foul that I couldn't finish it; I just ate the bread.

  • Andrew Nordstrom

    Andrew Nordstrom


    I almost skipped this place based on reviews, but it's one if the only options in the B50s at EWR. I was pleasantly surprised. The beer selection is quite good, several top shelf Belgian beers like Chimay, Duvel, etc. The wagyu burger was very good as well. No problem with service, and the place was clean and mostly full.

  • Ylfa Jakobsdóttir

    Ylfa Jakobsdóttir


    I´m sorry but why is this restaurant still open? The napkins were the only hope, the real deal but come on, paper plates, messy tables, no cutlery, service really slow, food not really exciting. With hope for change and wish for good luck

  • Kimberley Cuachon Haugh

    Kimberley Cuachon Haugh


    Extremely understaffed. We bussed our own table just to get a seat. Our server, Mike, was good, and I felt bad for him. The restaurant manager just seemed to not care, walking through the restaurant with empty hands each time. Tables were dirty before we arrived and were still dirty after we left. The steak was over cooked. We sent it back. It came back overcooked, well-medium-well done and was so bland that I had to use Worcestershire and A-1. It was a "Select" cut of meat, when for the price it should at least be "Choice." Go for the sandwich shop in this terminal around the corner.

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