Bel-Mar Oil Co w Inwood

Stany ZjednoczoneBel-Mar Oil Co



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473, Bayview Avenue, 11096, Inwood, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-239-8426
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6141672, Longitude: -73.7544938

komentarze 5

  • en

    Ashley Gonzalez


    Great and dependable service! Priced right with speedy delivery. Very happy customer here!

  • ricky velez

    ricky velez


    Not sure why others gave a low rating but as far as I concern Bel-mar was courteous and reliable. I called the night before for an emergency oil delivery and they explained that could not help with delivery that evening but they called bright and early the next morning and asked what I needed and delivered the oil I needed in a quick an timely manner. All I can say is Thanks for coming through when I needed your help.

  • en

    Lauren Derks


    I switched to Bel-Mar this year and am very pleased with the service.

  • en

    Frank Manolios


    Best prices for bulk oil and great service on deliveries

  • en

    Robert Steil


    DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES USE THIS OIL COMPANY. If there were a way to rate with negative stars, I would. We called them yesterday and "Customer Service" told us he did not have time for new customers. After trying to explain the situation he finally told us to call back at 4 and speak to 'Dominic'. Dominic was pleasant and agreed to come look at a broken boiler. It was late but he committed to stopping by the next day. When we called to get a time frame for his visit "Customer Service" advised that he could not come today because they 'got busy' with their regular customers. I explained that this was a family with three small children and a pregnant woman who had been without heat for 2 days now. He said essentially that they were just too busy and could not help and THEN had the gall to ask what business *I* am in before hanging up. STAY FAR, FAR, FAR from this company. They are liars, they are unreliable and they have the WORST customer service I have ever had the displeasure of encountering.

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