Becerra's Tamales w Dallas

Stany ZjednoczoneBecerra's Tamales



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8011, Douglas Avenue, 75225, Dallas, Dallas County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 214-454-8952
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 32.860325, Longitude: -96.808985

komentarze 5

  • en

    Lil Ki


    Amazing! But it takes alot of time to get to eat the food.

  • en

    Denise Johnston


    I have tried 6 of the 7 tamales and all of the salsas available from Becerra's Tamales and everything is outstanding. Consistency is key and each time I've eaten them they have been stuffed with flavorful filling. The masa is delicate and never gets gummy, even when re-heated in the microwave. My favorites are the Smoked BBQ and Gulf Shrimp and Crab. Becerra's Serrano BBQ sauce is perfect on the BBQ tamales and anything else you might want to put it on. I could drown in it. The salsas all have the right amount of heat and flavor, whether you're looking for chips and dip or a tamale topper. These are truly the best tamales I've ever eaten.

  • en

    Nicole Prusak


    I have an addiction for Becerra's Tex Mex Hot Salsa Verde. It was the middle of the week and no Farmer's Market available, so Victor met me and brought me two cases. Thank goodness I don't know what I would've done if I would have had to wait until the weekend! My husband is very picky about salsa and he had me buy a case of the Serrano salsa for him if that tells you anything. We can't get enough of the salsas and tamales. Our favorites are the BBQ beef and jalapeño cream cheese. Try it! You will be immediately addicted!

  • en

    Marci Campbell


    Best tamales in DFW! Always fresh, and great service too!

  • en

    Jacob Huttash


    I have only been eating Becerra's tamales and salsas for about a year now but cannot force myself to get sick of either. The owner is truly changing the tamale game with his fresh and innovative ideas for how the tamales are made and uses only the BEST ingredients. THESE ARE NOT YOUR TYPICAL TAMALES! Instead of getting a mouthful of masa, you get a robust flavor of meat (or veggies) upon your first bite. Now I won't even get started on the salsa otherwise I would be posting a short essay about how unreal it is on EVERYTHING! (The Serrano salsa is a must-try) P.S. Try the smoked BBQ brisket tamale with the signature Serrano BBQ if you want your mind blown.

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