Beauty Supply Warehouse w North Las Vegas

Stany ZjednoczoneBeauty Supply Warehouse



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1920 Las Vegas Blvd N, North Las Vegas, NV 89030, USA
kontakt telefon: +1 702-649-0500
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.1948856, Longitude: -115.1292166

komentarze 5

  • sandra black

    sandra black


    This is a new building for this beauty supply and it is huge! Large assortment of wigs and good prices. I buy all of my wigs here.

  • SpeedyShootin



    It was cool but just ghetto it had a beauty salon at the back and they didn't have alot of stuff for people with waves

  • Altay Jones

    Altay Jones


    They need to have more selection of popular items or more delivery of the products. They have good customer service from most of the workers, but I do think there policies need reviewing, I had some products i bought and couldn't find the reicept, all I wanted was to exchange it, not a refund, I should have been able to exchange for equal or lesser amount of products.

  • en

    Denise Banks


    I only shop for hair products here. Great customer service and they always have everything. But the Beauty shop I don't like at all. The owner did a 27 piece closure on my head took 6hours.. it's a quick weave.. when I left a closing i was rushed out. Bad work, uneven cut,tracks coming loose same night. I'm very unsatisfied with beauty shop.... I rate it a zero..

  • Ilsa Snow

    Ilsa Snow


    Crack heads acting weird and hanging out at the front door and all around the parking lot. A lady asked me for money. When I said no she asked me for crack. When I told the manager he just laughed. I asked him where I could find hair bleach. He told me the aisle but said they were out of the bleach powder. I went down the aisle just to double check. They have hundreds of bottles of developer and zero packs of the bleach powder. You can get hair dye there but if you are blonde and bleach your hair, forget it. Very odd.

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