Beauty from Pain Tattoo Studio i Oklahoma City

Forenede StaterBeauty from Pain Tattoo Studio



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733, Northwest 23rd Street, 73103, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 405-702-7240
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Latitude: 35.493481, Longitude: -97.525558

kommentar 5

  • en

    Matthew McIntyre


    This is by far the best tattoo parlor I’ve ever been to. Caleb Asked what I was looking for and I showed him examples of what I wanted he then told me to send him the images and he customized it and made a awesome spinoff from them. When I came in later I was blown away. He is one of the greatest artists I’ve dealt with in a while. He isn’t one of those guys that says “yeah um ok yeah sure guys” and fortunately for me I was lucky enough he had a open slot in his schedule. If your looking to get a tattoo and your not sure what parlor its definitely this parlor. Not to mention they have the best logo around “Beauty from pain”. You will not regret it not for one second. Thanks again Caleb!

  • Jacob Boyer

    Jacob Boyer


    To say Caleb Lyons is an artist would be a total understatement. He’s certainly one of the best in the country and I highly recommend him or anyone on the staff.

  • Brittany Kirk

    Brittany Kirk


    I had a appointment with Lauren Chandler on Saturday! This is my 10th tattoo done by her ! She is absolutely AMAZING! I will definitely be back to see her and hopefully soon!

  • Heather Pennza

    Heather Pennza


    I have had three tattoos done by Caleb and will never use anyone else. The facility is obviously clean and well maintained and they have never had a health code violation. The wait is worth it! I feel I can't stress this point enough. If an artist is booking 4+ months out, there is a reason for it. A lifetime piece of art is not something you want to rush or skimp on financially (though Caleb could get away with charging much more). Finally, Caleb is truly a master artist. He is brilliant at taking a concept and making it wearable art. I HIGHLY recommend being open to his suggestions and/or changes.

  • David Jordan

    David Jordan


    Great experience with Caleb. Had fun during the tattoo with some good conversation. He was very thorough with the after care instructions and I couldn't be more proud of the work. Will definitely be back!

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