Bean & Bagel w Seattle

Stany ZjednoczoneBean & Bagel



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1410, Northeast 40th Street, 98105, Seattle, King County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 47.6554918, Longitude: -122.312818

komentarze 5

  • en

    Dylan Marcus


    I really want to like this place. I study across the street and it is so convenient and it’s pretty tasty, but I have to say these prices are kind of ridiculous given what you get. 2.50 or whatever it is for a bagel with cream cheese is pretty standard...if you get a normal amount of cream cheese on both halves of the bagel. There is consistently not enough cream cheese and it is not even evenly spread across the bagel. I got lox today too and I’m pretty disappointed - there’s not even enough to cover a half a bagel, let alone taste any if you ate it as a sandwich. C’mom guys - step up your game. If you’re going to have “bagel” in your name and you’re pricing them as you do, you should really give people their money’s worth instead of skimping. I hope you guys improve because I would be an even better customer (I’ve already gone a handful of times, and that won’t stop!)

  • en

    Andre Tsang


    Everything is microwaved and service is slow. But it is possible to find a cheap breakfast here

  • Sam Steele

    Sam Steele


    Really decently priced and has a cute, friendly atmosphere. Almost always has seating despite being very small inside.

  • Ashley Senske

    Ashley Senske


    Okay. This place is a hidden gem of the u-district. The bagel sandwiches are basically the best on the planet. The staff is quirky and friendly. A wait in line for some food here is always worth it. My favorite is a jalepeno bagel with a cream cheese, turkey, jam and jalepenos.

  • Meredith



    Popular little hole-in-the-wall that's a great stop on the way to the UW campus. Lots of different bagels to choose from, and really reasonable prices. I had a bagel breakfast sandwich on a wheat bagel with avocado added. Next time I'll get some cream cheese on there as well to make it more interesting.

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