Bayside Buffet w Las Vegas

Stany ZjednoczoneBayside Buffet



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3950, South Las Vegas Boulevard, 89119, Las Vegas, Clark County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 702-632-7200
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.0919017, Longitude: -115.1751738

komentarze 5

  • en

    Ryan Sullivan


    The food is disgusting.... food is cold and had zero. The best thing going for this place is that it has $10.99 for bottomless beer. Still not worth it.

  • Jaclyn Hensley

    Jaclyn Hensley


    Great variety, only a few desserts didn't taste like a cheap Chinese buffet. During the week is the best deal. Prices triple by Sunday brunches.

  • Meg Angel

    Meg Angel


    Most strip buffets have phased out table service for beverages. Bayside buffet is quite reasonably priced if you consider that. 10.99$ for bottomless drinks through the week - which is great considering a glass of wine alone costs about that. Crab legs! Great selection of fish as well.

  • Tyler Scholes

    Tyler Scholes


    This buffet had a good variety with some select few items that were great, including the barbecued pork, panko covered salmon, and the desserts. Overall, though, the food was mediocre and I've had much better food at much cheaper buffets. The presentation was nice and there is the choice of alcohol if you wanted to pay extra. You have to request any additional napkins, silverware, etc. from your waiter/waitress since those items you can't get yourself. If there was a restroom, it was not easy to locate. The restaurant was at least kept clean and they kept watch over their food and switched it out as needed. I would not recommend this buffet while you're in Vegas.

  • Ray Gonzales

    Ray Gonzales


    Great spot for breakfast at a very reasonable $18.99/adult. Creating my own omelette was my best choice. Filled it with many ingredients. Looked like a feast to feed a whole family. But hey, I was very hungry and I did eat it all. There’s a wide variety of food to choose from too. From salads, fish, sausages, pastas, meats, etc etc The service is great too. From the people up front to the food preparers to the bus boys. Everyone has a great attitude and that makes for a great experience!

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