Bayou City Smiles w Houston

Stany ZjednoczoneBayou City Smiles



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4413 2313 Edwards Street #150, Houston, TX 77007, USA
kontakt telefon: +1 713-518-1411
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Latitude: 29.770129, Longitude: -95.381544

komentarze 5

  • en

    Benjamin Benigno


    I recently had several resin fillings placed by Dr. Corral over three visits to address some flossing cavities & older fillings that had developed cavities underneath them over the years. This was my second opinion for these issues & thankfully they could fix my cavities with fillings, instead of needing to root canals/crowns as was suggested by my previous dentist. I found the office & equipment to be very clean, organized, & modern, the staff was very friendly, professional & took time to explain or address any questions. I was always seen promptly on arrival. The treatments themselves were nearly painless, completed quickly, with very good cosmetic results. Highly recommend.

  • en

    Andrea Garcia


    I have always hated going to the dentist because they would always work on my teeth without explaining anything, and without taking into consideration my tooth sensitivity. I’m so glad I found this place because they are very friendly and take care of me all the time. The staff there is always helpful, and both Dr. Corral and Dr. de Guzman are the best. Chrizelda the hygienist is amazing and an expert at making patients feel relaxed. My parents and boyfriend also go here and Dr. Corral has been taking care of them as well. I highly recommend this place to everyone, they are the best at what they do!

  • L. Herren

    L. Herren


    I have moved a few times in the past few years and finally settled on a dentist close to my office. Since day one, Dr. de Guzman and his staff have done nothing short of wow me on how courteous, detailed, and professional they all are. My hygienist, Chriselda, is awesome and Dr. de Guzman I can say is hands down the best dentist I have come across, not to mention they are affordable and flexible. I travel all the way from Willis, family in tow, just to see him. Great service all around, I highly recommend Bayou City Smiles.

  • Maryam N

    Maryam N


    Dr. de Guzman is great at what he does.

  • en

    Tim Covell


    I had a great experience with Bayou city smiled. They fit me in the next day for a wisdom tooth extraction and had me in and out in less than an hour. Dr. De Guzman was very nice and professional and he did a great job taking my tooth out with minimal pain. I was paying out of pocket and they helped make it very affordable. Highly recommend!

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