Bay Ave Bakery & Cafe w Highlands

Stany ZjednoczoneBay Ave Bakery & Cafe



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111, Bay Avenue, 07732, Highlands, Monmouth County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 732-291-3480
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.4001917, Longitude: -73.9850905

komentarze 5

  • en

    John/Rin Us


    Favorite breakfast,lunch place in town! We eat here as much as we can. Everything on the menu is amazing!

  • en

    Mike Vaccarella


    Awesome place, great staff. The pastries are like no-other around here. Highly recommended for breakfast!

  • Amanda Fansler

    Amanda Fansler


    After a long hot week at the beach we just wanted a quick spot for breakfast before heading home. So happy we stumbled upon this place. Quaint, cheap (in price, not quality or flavor) food, and fast service. Even grabbed some pastries for snacks on the car ride home. Not the most glamorous cafe, but absolutely perfect for me!

  • Phil Selleck

    Phil Selleck


    Great subs or sandwiches on their homemade breads. Polite and friendly wait staff. If you don't have a huge appetite, you'll definitely have a take-home for another meal.

  • Sarah Ronan

    Sarah Ronan


    I love this place!! It's so unique & gives off a very vintage, home-like vibe. Not only does the environment and the staff make you feel at home, but the food is soooooo good, it's "just like mom makes" so to speak. I've never had anything negative to say about anything I've ordered to eat. It's all delicious & always leave with a full belly. The staff is so nice, polite, and do everything they can to make you comfortable and happy. My mother & mother in-law put together a surprise brunch for my birthday last weekend here, & it was great! Our waitress offered to take pictures of the whole group for us, she was so patient & kind, and did an excellent with everything. If I still lived in Highlands, I would definitely be here every morning for breakfast like I used to. There's just no other place around like this one. It's a one of a kind breakfast - brunch - lunch cafe.

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