Battery Gardens w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneBattery Gardens



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1, Battery Place, 10004, New York, New York County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 212-809-5508
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7014409, Longitude: -74.0151395

komentarze 5

  • Linda Wendell

    Linda Wendell


    This place was awful! We stopped here for a late lunch because it was a beautiful afternoon and wanted to enjoy being by the water. The hostess went to check for a table and returned saying that there would be a wait but wasn't sure for how long. After we pushed her a little bit more, she said that there was a table available but not shaded. We were okay with that and when we went outside, we saw an empty shaded table. When we asked if we could sit there, she said it wasn't clean. We had to ask if someone could clean it and then could we sit there. Really?! That should have been our first clue to run. A server broke a glass while cleaning the table and didn't sweep it up until half way through our lunch. It took a very long time for a server to come take our order. We had to ask three different times for bread and butter. When the bread came, there were four pieces for our party of five. Um, okay. We asked for a fifth piece of bread but never got it. They are unable or unwilling to make any substitutions to the menu. I have to say that the food is decent and the view is lovely, but the service is so bad that it's not worth eating here. As we were leaving, another couple was storming out, furious that they were being treated so rudely. Diner beware. In a city with thousands of places to eat, don't waste your time or your money here.

  • en

    Louis Gonzalez


    Good atmosphere with good food and an even better view.

  • Matthew Lake

    Matthew Lake


    Food was good but lady at front counter was very rude and not polite. I feel bad for those who come here and have to deal with rude staff. If I am spending a lot of money and having a meal I expect to have some kind service.




    It's a beautiful scene in the night. Definitely worth the trip when you're in the city. Very romantic.

  • en

    Ellen Finkelstein


    We had the pleasure of making our children’s wedding last week at Battery gardens. The wedding surpassed our expectations. The venue was exquisite with the most incredible views. The food was wonderful. The catering manager Anna oversaw every detail from to initial booking to the end of the party. The staff was attentive courteous and friendly. Consummate professionals. We didn’t have to worry about one thing. We were truly able to be guests not only hosts at the wedding. Absolutely awesome!

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