Batteries Plus Bulbs w Fort Worth

Stany ZjednoczoneBatteries Plus Bulbs



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5636, North Tarrant Parkway, 76244, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-502-9087
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 32.89419, Longitude: -97.26434

komentarze 5

  • en

    Gerald Shafer


    Was told battery would be here yesterday but it's still not here. $42.00 for a $12.00 battery. I needed it yesterday that's why I bought it here.

  • en

    K Weaver


    I bought a battery for a UPS. When I installed it, the unit indicated it was not charging. I left the battery in the unit for a couple of days with no change. I tried to return the battery. They tested it at the store and said it was good. I said it must be the unit, but I would still like to return the battery since I would have to buy a new UPS. They would not take it back because it was “used” even though it was within the 14 day return window.

  • James Maudlin

    James Maudlin


    Bought two new batteries for scooter. Within 2 months they would not take a charge. Took them back and the would not warranty. Proved my charger was working properly and they still would not replace. Will never do business with them again.

  • en

    James Maudlin


    Bought two new batteries for scooter. Within 2 months they would not take a charge. Took them back and the would not warranty. Proved my charger was working properly and they still would not replace. Will never do business with them again.

  • Chad Edgson

    Chad Edgson


    I purchased my battery online and paid all the taxes, fees, core charges or so I thought. When I went to pick up the battery in the store I was told there is another fee and they will just take that out of the core charge. I asked the store clerk why there is hidden fees and that this is not right. He said there is nothing I can do and said you are the first person to complain. He did not try to help at all just told me swipe my card. He handed me the receipts minus the environmental fee and walked away. I was left standing there didn't offer to help carry the batter out nothing. Once he come out from the back I said so that's it???? No answer!!!! I said if I charged my customer for a product and completed a sale there is no way I would come back and say oh by the way there is another fee I have to charge you for. This is a major flaw in your system and needs to be fixed. I don't mind paying for the fees upfront but do not come ask me after I have already completed my transaction for more money that is just bad business. Also your employee is very rude and honestly doesn't care about the customer. I would fire my employee in a heart beat if he acted this way to one of my customers. He said he is also the manager from autozone.

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