Battalion Airsoft Arena i Jacksonville

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterBattalion Airsoft Arena



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2253, Dennis Street, 32204, Jacksonville, Duval County, US Estados Unidos
kontakter telefon: +1 904-355-7770
internet side:
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Latitude: 30.3308057, Longitude: -81.6865614

kommentar 5

  • en

    Everitt Gill


    Decent field and reasonable prices. The food served here is very affordable. They could price gouge on food but the don't. Xbox 360s with lots of games are set up for players to use at their convenience

  • xDrunkenWhalerx



    Had a blast! For a long time I had been hearing about it and finally drove the 3 hour trip to come check it out and was not disappointed.

  • en

    Jacob Corliss


    A wonderful passtime and hobby. It is interesting to see the time and effort people put in creating their kits. I always have fun here.

  • gigi jones

    gigi jones


    Celebrating my son's 13th birthday and had the most amazing time!!! The owner took the time to personally show all the boys how to shoot, best tactics for beginners and so much more. Thanks for an awesome 1st time experience Battalion!

  • Rick Morin

    Rick Morin


    Fun time for kids and adults. Gear rental for birthday parties relatively inexpensive. Repair on site. Store on site for equipment purchases. Nearly one acre of play area. Play is controlled, timed, or until flags are all won. Games are also limited to semi-automatic or full automatic. Site also has a food bar with comfortable seating, some table top games (foos ball, ping pong, and air hockey), plus several TV's.

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