Bass Pro Shops in Anchorage

Vereinigte StaatenBass Pro Shops



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3046, Mountain View Drive, 99501, Anchorage, Anchorage, US United States
kontakte telefon: +1 907-330-5200
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 61.2192134, Longitude: -149.8210037

kommentare 5

  • en

    Terri Reynolds-Rogers


    Love the selection, the gift shop and the variety of uniformly high quality gear. Beware big sale items as they may have gotten word of an issue with the product. My fleece jacket for $20 attracts fuzz and pet hair like a magnet.

  • Thomas Larabee

    Thomas Larabee


    Lots of high quality products in stock. Helpful staff, and competitive prices. The aquarium is pretty cool. They've got all the species of Alaskan freshwater fish on display there. Nice atmosphere in this store.

  • en

    Kevin Konecky


    Has an outrageous beautiful display of Alaska game heads and a large freshwater North American fish tank.

  • Bethany Marcum

    Bethany Marcum


    I'm always greeted at the door, they have a great selection of products, and friendly cashiers when I check out. There is a lot to see as well, with animals and fish around the store. They have very fun events for kids from time to time also. The prices are much better than at the other big sporting good store across town.

  • en

    Mark Koch


    Terrible customer service. Had to wandrr around to find somebody to help me in shoe department. The employee who showed up in shoe department didn't know anything about products I was asking her about. Kept bringing wrong shoes from store room. Directed me to another area of the store saying there was a sale on item I was looking for. Went there. No sale items plus no employees to help me in that department. First and last time I will be in that store. Awfull experience.

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