Baskin-Robbins w San Antonio

Stany ZjednoczoneBaskin-Robbins



🕗 godziny otwarcia

6418, North New Braunfels Avenue, 78209, San Antonio, Bexar County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 210-826-1231
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 29.4886717, Longitude: -98.4587948

komentarze 5

  • en

    austxin tx


    Very clean, very nice, and great service. Recently needed a last minute specialty birthday cake and the owner and manager didn’t disappoint. New management is headed in the right direction. Never knew Baskin Robbins did specialty cakes like this. Great work!

  • Valerie Figueroa

    Valerie Figueroa


    Great staff & Yummmie Ice Cream

  • en

    Abel Rios


    Bring my children in all the time and usually to a very good experience. Today I encountered a young man with long blonde hair working at the counter. He was obviously distracted and in the middle of serving me decided to help another customer who had come in after me. Probably one of the worst customer service experience I've encountered in quite some time. Wanted to cap off a great family weekend by taking them for ice cream and instead was left frustrated and disappointed. If this is my store, that young man should have a short lived stint of employment. On a side note, the ice cream was good.

  • en

    Aimee Neal


    Took my grandson and had our favorite icecream and a great time. Staff is nice and very efficient.

  • en

    Pat O'Brien


    I needed a specialty cake and waited what for most would have been too long. The owner found a picture and figure out how to make the cake that I wanted. I have purchased many gift cards from them to keep people going back. They deserve the business!

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