Barrio Mexican Kitchen & Bar w Seattle

Stany ZjednoczoneBarrio Mexican Kitchen & Bar



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1420, 12th Avenue, 98122, Seattle, King County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 206-588-8105
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 47.613719, Longitude: -122.316516

komentarze 5

  • en

    Pedro Fernandez


    Nice food and cocktails. Their tacos and nachos are awesome. Love the ambience, with a beautiful interior design, specially during the night with the candles lighting. It has also a big round bar.

  • en

    Elliott Hodson


    Being our last night together in Seattle, my siblings and I wanted to go to a more upscale place to eat and Barrio did not disappoint. One thing that Barrio does exceptionally well is balance a bit of traditional Mexican flavor with Spanish and European influences that allows them to appeal to a more diverse audience. Their tacos were on point; I would personally recommend the Al Pastor and Lamb tacos which were both exceptional and juicy. I personally am not a fan of tequila but the bartenders more than happily accommodated this and suggested a very aromatic local gin which really made my night when turned into a Gimlet. I loved this place so much I came back again the next night. Well worth the price! Shout our to Cat, such a sweet bartender!I

  • destination360



    Excellent hour hour. Mezcal mule though they use a cheap Fountain ginger beer that's too sweet. Request them to switch it out with the bottled version.

  • Ken Bergmann

    Ken Bergmann


    The food is excellent if a little pricey. Go for happy hour and you'll save some coin. Friendly service, well-mixed drinks, and great atmosphere have been their consistent trademark. This is a good place for tasty, authentic flavors and classy table service.

  • Darrin Smith

    Darrin Smith


    I really enjoyed Barrio when I went, great atmosphere all around from the architecture to the interior design everything was very well-thought-out. The food was amazing and the service followed suit, I love me some nachos m and boy oh boy do they have a great dish. (Vegan as well which is amazing and a delightful sight) Got to love the door by the way.

najbliższy Bar

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