Barnes & Noble i Arlington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterBarnes & Noble



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3881, South Cooper Street, 76015, Arlington, Tarrant County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 817-472-7559
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Latitude: 32.6791611, Longitude: -97.1306458

kommentar 5

  • Shelby Raney

    Shelby Raney


    Great book selection. Always friendly staff. If you can find it just ask, they are so helpful. The Starbucks is 🔥 love coming here because it's open later than the mall. #BookTok is real and they have an area for that which is amazing. 12/10

  • J Foster

    J Foster


    Went sometime ago to buy an oracle deck. Cool experience. Remembered just recently as I am on a job search & applied, then followed up, but whoever that answered the phone to inquire about my application wasn't so cool.

  • Sue Tao N'ym

    Sue Tao N'ym


    This Barnes & Noble is just like any other Barnes & Noble, it has a very nice library like feel and you can usually read and browse anything till they close without being bothered. They've got a nice varied selection of products; it's more than books, there are also reading related supples (like bookmarks), gift cards, trinkets, and more. The cafe isn't that bad too. I like stopping by and seeing what they offer, because it's usually all recently released books, and I might find something interesting that I missed if I hadn't come in person.

  • Judge Larry Jr

    Judge Larry Jr


    The Star Bucks served good coffee and provided seating. The information kiosk is easy to locate in the central aisle. The children's area includes a small theater for storytime. The restroom was clean and well-stocked. Diverse literature was posted on shelves. Signs suspended from the ceiling identified significant genres in the business.

  • Mari



    Great customer service, I didn't specifically know what I wanted when I came in but I was recommending a manga by one of the workers and I'm glad I was, it's such a good read so far. Can't wait to come back for more books!

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