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1, Lower Notch Road, 07424, Little Falls, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 973-638-1101
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Latitude: 40.876988, Longitude: -74.214707

comentarios 5

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    Robert Progaliss


    I was very happy using Barli & Associates for the sale of our investment property. Dan was able to complete attorney review for us in less than 24 hours and stood firm on our inspection issues. As investors, we cannot afford to lose money because of an inspector's opinions. Dan made sure that our as-is was as-is. We have used other lawyers before but will only use Dan going forward. He always got back to us timely and made sure everything was taken care of for us.

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    Jennifer Dellindia


    Dan was very thorough and answered all of our questions. He took the time to make sure we were comfortable with all the steps in our transaction. As this was our first purchase, we were nervous and had a lot of questions, but Dan and his paralegals made sure to explain everything to us and gave us a lot of comfort. Anybody would be lucky to have Dan on their side.

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    sherry solomov


    I rarely write bad reviews but this experience was simple horrendous. We were selling an investment property and contacted Dan when we had a buyer. Our job couldn’t have been more simple and straight forward. The buyer’s attorney submitted their request after the inspection, we agreed to fix 90% of it and in return they agreed. There was zero negotiation that he had to do, but still he was no where to be found. On the day of inspection he wasn’t around and on the day he promised the buyers attorney a response he had a family emergency so his assistant took care of it. Following that everything went downhill. No one could get a hold of Dan. This was the week before closing and I was promised multiple calls back and got nothing. The buyers agent was in contact with mine and no one could get a hold of him. He was super unprofessional and cursed at me when I finally did speak to him take no responsibility for his absence. The other attorney told me they requested certain documents weeks before closing that they never got causing us to have to put 50k in escrow. He showed up for the first 20 minutes of the closing and said he had to leave to another closing but assured us that all the necessary documents were signed. They were not. So we had to run around again to get signatures from all parties in order for funds to be released. We have bought and sold many properties but have NEVER dealt with such an unprofessional firm. If it wasn’t for the title company he works with nothing would’ve gotten done. Everyone seems to just apologize on behalf of him and said that he just spreads himself to thin. I have correspondence emails and texts I can screenshot as proof. Don’t waste your money here.

  • Sherry Solomov

    Sherry Solomov


    I rarely write bad reviews but this experience was simple horrendous. We were selling an investment property and contacted Dan when we had a buyer. Our job couldn’t have been more simple and straight forward. The buyer’s attorney submitted their request after the inspection, we agreed to fix 90% of it and in return they agreed. There was zero negotiation that he had to do, but still he was no where to be found. On the day of inspection he wasn’t around and on the day he promised the buyers attorney a response he had a family emergency so his assistant took care of it. Following that everything went downhill. No one could get a hold of Dan. This was the week before closing and I was promised multiple calls back and got nothing. The buyers agent was in contact with mine and no one could get a hold of him. He was super unprofessional and cursed at me when I finally did speak to him take no responsibility for his absence. The other attorney told me they requested certain documents weeks before closing that they never got causing us to have to put 50k in escrow. He showed up for the first 20 minutes of the closing and said he had to leave to another closing but assured us that all the necessary documents were signed. They were not. So we had to run around again to get signatures from all parties in order for funds to be released. We have bought and sold many properties but have NEVER dealt with such lazy scum. He’s like a child having a tantrum when you confront him. If it wasn’t for the title company he works with nothing would’ve gotten done. Everyone seems to just apologize on behalf of him and said that he just spreads himself to thin. I have correspondence emails and texts I can screenshot as proof. This guy is a joke.

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    Jenna Smynowickz


    I couldn't have asked for a better attorney than Dan! He answered all my questions and made sure I knew what was happening every step of the way. His paralegals also were very knowledgeable and held my hand through the process. I will certainly recommend Dan to everyone I know.

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