Bank Square Coffeehouse w Beacon

Stany ZjednoczoneBank Square Coffeehouse



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129, Main Street, 12508, Beacon, Dutchess County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-440-7165
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.5082082, Longitude: -73.9769476

komentarze 5

  • Brian Giallorenzo

    Brian Giallorenzo


    My cold brew was dope, and i liked that they had a variety of styles. The space was big and comfortable and they had a surprisingly good beer selection. My criticism is mainly that there were a LOT of very large flies buzzing around, to the point where i couldnt concentrate because i was getting buzzed every couple minutes by these hippopotamus sized insects. Lastly the staff seems to be consistently grumpy. I think it's uniquely important for a coffee shop staff to be cheery and awake because pre-coffee me is grumpy enough for the both of us and interacting with a smiling face is an important steps towards me waking up and being a tolerable human being again. Be a dick to me after i have my coffee and wake up and i'll mind a lot less. I like the place a lot i just feel like there are some key areas in need of improvement.

  • en

    Heather Campos


    Come here quite frequently. Coffee is great, staff is laid back and unpretentious. If your looking for someone to kiss your ass, this is not the place for you. Bathroom is only complaint, I bring my own cleaning supplies to kill the incessant fly population that likes to fester in there...

  • Cynthia Stewart

    Cynthia Stewart


    Great place to sit down for a cup of coffee and mingle with friends. They have a unique sitting area inside as well as very nice fenced in sitting area outside. Only downfall is there $10 card limit so don’t forget to have cash on you.

  • ann marie vavricka

    ann marie vavricka


    We bumped into this very nice find by accident while waiting for our granddaughters train to arrive. Very quaint coffee shop. Pleasant surroundings. Quiet town. Staff was very nice and went out of their way to make sure your order was satisfactory. Most importantly great coffee! Definitely a place we will revisit.

  • Raith Kell

    Raith Kell


    Bank Square is unique. It feels like your hanging out at your friends house in the main room. Such a comfortable atmosphere and vibe. Food and drink choices are great. Artisan food stuffs, gluten free options, vegan options, killer coffee and teas. Great overall experience here.

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