Bank of America (with Drive-thru ATM) i Seabrook

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterBank of America (with Drive-thru ATM)



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9436, Lanham Severn Road, 20706, Seabrook, Prince George's County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 301-577-3400
internet side:
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Latitude: 38.9733575, Longitude: -76.8461878

kommentar 5

  • Joe Pinder

    Joe Pinder


    Went in to open a new account. Wished to speak to someone about in. Place was extremely slow with only 1 person working as a teller. The other employee I saw who I thought was coming out to help just got rude with me, and witnessed her getting rude with another customer. I would hate to say bad things about bank of America cause I have had good experience with them with my mortgage, but this brand needs to be avoided like the plague

  • J P

    J P


    Officer Porter is so awesome! He really makes banking fun. He makes waiting in line so much easier. The tellers are always so welcoming as well. Lena, Kaneisha, Johann, and the whole staff are so helpful and accommodating. Welcome every customer by name! Where else do you get this service...

  • J P

    J P


    Absolute slowest bank in the world. No sense of urgency at all. I use this bank for my job, there is no line for merchant services. I do not have time to stand in line for an hour to make a deposit, everyday!!! This is absolutely ridiculous. Hire some more people, keep the line moving or you will lose customers. I am asking my employer to change banks because of this issue

  • Amy Lucas

    Amy Lucas


    Horrible branch. 7 employees in building. 2 helping one customer for over 15 mons then left the desk while 5 customers were in line. 2 people greeting you at the door uselessly. One armed guard and all the other employees are on their personal cell phones. Switching banks immediately. Not the first highly disappointing experience.

  • B. B.

    B. B.


    It is a pretty small branch that's custom and cool. However, during my visit one of the the ATMs right up front seemed to have issues, as it wasn't accepting deposits, but issuing payment. As such there was a small queue to use the functional one. overall, it serves the shopping complex and locals very well.

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